
on my radar

Hey there,

I just found out that Costco is helping to destroy the oceans by not having a sustainable seafood policy. So I took action with Greenpeace and sent them a message. If enough of us do the same we can get them to change. Join me and take action yourself right now!


Costco is the largest wholesale club operator in North America. And in almost every Costco warehouse you’ll find freezers and coolers full of unsustainable fish. Greenpeace surveys found that Costco continues to sell fifteen of the twenty-two red list seafood items.

If enough of us take action we can shine a spotlight on Costco and expose the truth behind their destructive seafood policies. Please take action right now…


Greenpeace is urging Costco to implement a sustainable seafood policy, to offer transparency in its seafood labeling, and to stop selling red list seafood starting immediately with orange roughy and Chilean sea bass. Together we can stop Costco’s wholesale ocean destruction.



Scene 4Busty - Take 1

Yesterday I was woken up to my friend Kate Hull-Nye - "Wake up Erin, I need an A.C. for the hooker film today, we're going to the Tenderloin." Needless to say I jumped right up (soon realizing I had had one too many glasses of Zinfandel the night before).
Kate works with film for all of her movies, This particular film she was shooting with Super 8 for the first time. A big part of her composition of the filming has to do with bright colors, as you can see by the lighting/costumes/backgrounds in the pictures I took below, which are going to be stunning once the film is developed!
After dressing Elena in 7 inch heels, fishnets, an orange 90's halter, black leather shorts, and one groovy afro, I grabbed elenas canon rebel and we made our way to the alley behind Edinburgh Castle (a bar in the T.L.) to meet the sound guy Curtis. Kate and Curtis explained to me how to organize the scene/take records and how to manage the slate.

Elena is an amazing actress/model and also one of my seven roommates in the flat. Her rendition of "Annabelle the hooker" was grand, and was worthy of all the whistles she got from the tenderloin locdawgs - ha ha.

After we wrapped up the street scenes we got in Kate's silver toaster car and headed to Port Costa. It was an odd little town that kind of reminded me of Spectre, the town in big fish, via Edward Bloom's return. After meeting Morgan and Mark, who were helping Kate with the lighting (which was AMAZING) we shot in a creaky hotel that was once a brothel. All of the rooms had prostitute names instead of room numbers - Kate had reserved 'Victoria'.
After shooting about four scenes, the (completely sweat soaked) six of us packed up our gear at 1:15 A.M. and headed home - we had been filming for twelve hours. The feeling I had on the way home was euphoric. I felt like I had been a part of something of artistic importance, I was excited. I'm serving as Assistant Cameraman for the rest of the filming, and I cannot express how fucking stoked I am. Kate is an awesome director of photography and I am truly inspired by her eye for composition. Who knows, maybe this whole film production idea will become a new medium of interest for me...


The Ballad of Sexual Dependency

Today I found out about Nan Goldin, a photographer who began her documentary photography career in the late 1960's/early 1970's. Her first solo show was in 1973 at twenty years old. It showcased her unique snapshots of the gay and transsexual communities she experienced in boston, her hometown. She moved to New York City after finishing school, and took an interest in being apart of the post-stonewall riots gay subculture, the post-punk new-wave scene, the Bowery's hard-drug subculture. Goldin used these subcultures as the foundation for her collection of photographs taken between 1979-1986 entitled "The Balled of Sexual Dependency", taken from the musical "Threepenny opera". Her unbelievably heavy photographs portray everything from Heroin addiction, drag-queens, dysfunctional lovers, and AIDS victims. I encourage you to really take in her photos seperately, you might be surprised by how profound they truly are.

"The Cookie Diaries" is a series of photographs that documents Goldin's relationship with friend Cookie Mueller, who died of AIDS in 1989. Goldin describes her first impression of Cookie as a "cross between a Tobacco Road Outlaw and a Hollywood B-Girl, the most famous women I'd ever seen." Besides being an artist, actress, mom, Heroin addict, and wife, Cookie was a friend of Goldin's for over 13 years, over which time Goldin took many pictures of Cookie. Through these photographs, the women became close friends.
Here is an amazing article by Nan Goldin about her connection to Cookie Mueller and the beginning of the AIDS epidemic:

Cookie's Husband, David, died seven weeks before her, also of AIDS.

"Fortunately I am not the first person to tell you that you will never die. You simply lose your body. You will be the same except you won't have to worry about rent or mortgages or fashionable clothes. You will be released from sexual obsessions. You will not have drug addictions. You will not need alcohol. You will not have to worry about cellulite or cigarettes or cancer or AIDS or venereal disease. You will be free." -Cookie Muellerar